Meet Steven Jeter, NYC Qualified Parking Structure Inspection (QPSI)

Meet Steven Jeter - Part II
Meet Steven Jeter, a Senior Field Engineer for StructureCare. Steven’s background in forensic structural engineering makes him an ace at performing structural investigations and analysis to determine the causation and extent of damage to existing structures and ongoing construction projects. More impressively, Steven recently received his NYC Qualified Parking Structure Inspector (QPSI) certification, where he can put his investigative skills to use in helping parking structure owners and owner’s reps in navigating the new NYC parking inspection laws. In the second of two posts in this series, we get to know Steven more personally in a more casual Q&A type post. We cover his favorite engineering projects to his preferred superpower.
Interview with Steven Jeter, QPSI
(StructureCare): Steven, what is your role here at StructureCare, and how long have you been with the company?
(Steven Jeter): I currently serve as the Senior Field Engineer for the Northeast Territory, which covers all five boroughs of New York City, plus the tri-state area. I joined StructureCare in July 2020 as a Field Engineer and was quickly promoted to Senior Field Engineer.
(SC): Where are you based?
(SJ): Queens, New York for the last 7 years.
(SC): What was your professional background before coming to StructureCare?
(SJ): Prior to joining StructureCare, I was a forensic structural engineer for an engineering firm located in New York City where I performed structural investigations and analysis to determine the causation and extent of damage to existing structures and ongoing construction projects. Prior to that, I served as a civil design engineer, field engineer, and estimator for one of the largest contractors in the United States working on large-scale infrastructure projects and power plants.
(SC): What are your top 3 favorite projects you have worked on, and why?
(SJ): I’ve been fortunate to work on a variety of parking structures and infrastructure projects throughout my career. The ones that stick out as my favorites are:
- Goethals Bridge Replacement Project – I served as the field engineer for the demolition of the old Goethals Bridge. Overseeing that operation from a technical standpoint was what first led me to forensic and repair work.
- Queens Subgrade Parking Structure – First parking structure project I worked on that was a forensic investigation that turned into a large-scale repair project. I was able to perform the condition assessment, design the repairs, and develop the construction documents.
- One Stamford Forum Parking Structure – One of the first projects I worked on at StructureCare. It was a project where I was able to display my technical knowledge and thoroughness in investigation and repair solutions.
(SC): Congratulations on achieving your QPSI certification. I’m sure you will be busy with the upcoming cycles of inspections now taking place. When you have it, what do you like to do with your spare time?
(SJ): In my spare time, I’m usually cooking or working out. Both are big relaxers for me.
(SC): What’s your go-to signature dish?
(SJ): I love to make dishes that my grandmother used to make, which represent my family heritage in Trinidad and Tobago.
(SC): Some may jokingly say that your skills in investigating structural engineering issues is due to your ability to see through walls. If you were granted a superpower, what would you pick and why?
(SJ): Teleportation. Being able to just think of somewhere you want to be and then instantaneously being there sounds very appealing. Maybe it’s the New Yorker in me.
(SC): With the new NYC parking inspection law, why should parking structure owners and owner’s reps work with you as their QPSI?
(SJ): Having years of experience in design and construction has provided me with the background to understand intent of design, function, and how structures are built in the field. I pride myself on my thoroughness and ability to diagnose and address the root cause and not just the symptom. Additionally, StructureCare has provided me with unique support regarding new practices, technology, and technical support to solve client's problems.
(SC): Lastly, in going through the inspection process, if parking structure owners or owner’s reps find that they need to have repairs completed in order to achieve compliance with the City, why should they consider StructureCare to provide those services?
(SJ): StructureCare is a one-stop shop for engineering services of parking structures and implementing recommended repairs based on a phased approach to extend or preserve the service life of the structure. Our responsiveness and approach to problem solving is what sets us apart.
Law Summary
This interview with Steven is part of a series intended to guide New York City parking owners and owner’s reps (facility managers, property managers, parking management) in navigating the new NYC parking inspection law.
In case you missed it, New York City has changed the way parking structures are being managed with revisions to New York City Department of Building laws (Construction Codes §28-323 and Rules of City of New York (RCNY) §103-13).
This new law means parking structure owners and/or owner’s representatives must complete a structural inspection by a QPSI for any parking garage located within the five boroughs of New York City. Timing is key for compliance, as the City instituted a phased schedule outlining the cycles of each borough starting January 1, 2022.
Not to worry, Steven is here to help.
Next Steps
As a QPSI, Steven is well-versed in the process of the new law plus his background in forensic structural engineering makes him the ultimate subject matter expert in parking structure engineering.
At StructureCare, we are parking structure management with no hassles or surprises, here to help you when you need it most.
Contact Steven and the StructureCare team today to get the conversation started.
NYC's Local Law 126
Does New York City's new parking structure inspection law have you confused? Don't worry, we've got this.